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Rebel Middle Wee Craw - Tiger Craw new

by Rebel

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Name: Rebel Middle Wee Craw - Tiger Craw
Bud's ID:RBF6890
Retail Stock/BackStock:3/3
Rebel Middle Wee Craw - Tiger Craw


Though the Rebel Middle Wee Craw is best known as a stream and river lure, it is still extremely effective in lakes, ponds, and reservoirs as well.  An easy lure to work, Rebel recommends the best approach is to simply cast it out and reel it back. This allows the profile and built-in swimming action to do the work for you. Featuring authentic crawfish paint jobs and equipped with sticky sharp (8 treble hooks, the Rebel Middle Wee Craw fills the void that anglers have been wanting.

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