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Great Lakes Finesse GLF Juicy Hellgrammite 2 1/2 in 7pk - Smoke Clear Purple Flake

by Great Lakes Finesse

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Name: GLF Juicy Hellgrammite 2 1/2 in 7pk - Smoke Clear Purple Flake
Brand:Great Lakes Finesse
Category:Creature Baits - Insects
Bud's ID:GLFJH240-05
Items per pkg:7
Retail Stock/BackStock:2/4
GLF Juicy Hellgrammite 2 1/2 in 7pk - Smoke Clear Purple Flake


Kept secret for over 10 years by top tournament anglers, the 2.4" Juicy Hellgrammite perfectly imitates one of the smallmouth's favorite protein-rich foods: the hellgrammite. 

What separates this hellgrammite from others that came before it is the smaller profile, the matte no-shine finish, and most importantly, its true neutral buoyancy, which allows it to be fished properly on a drop shot. The natural movement of this bait will trigger big bites when it’s slowly crawled along the bottom,  but the Juicy Hellgrammite really shines when presented perfectly horizontal on a drop shot.

Techniques: Drop Shot, Ned, Carolina Rig

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